Here is your opportunity to build and set your foundation as a Songwriter. Build, Plan, Write, and Execute!
Grab your Songwriter Success Bundle today. Here is what you can expect: The Gifted Songwriters Guide (82 pages)
Self-development/growth hacks
Setting your foundation
Starting your own music publishing company
Pitching your songs
Music publishing basics
and so much more...
The Secret Song Journal (121 pages) Includes over 120 writing prompts and exercises created to keep you on top of your writing game! Daily writing entries and song title entries.
Plan to Succeed Planner (155 pages) A customized Brand and Business planner specifically created for the new and growing songwriter. Stay organized, increase your productivity, and be prepared for opportunities that come your way with this one of a kind planner for songwriters. Outline your one-page business plan, your company vision, streams of income, weekly + monthly progress, keeping track of your song projects and so much more included in your 90-day planner!